
Light research has revealed that all plants have medicinal properties. Google says that honeysuckle is good for everything from dysentery to brain swelling. But the berries are poisonous, so don’t try to cure your brain swelling by eating them. It won’t end well.

Honeysuckle flower

Bees have less forage in June. Wildflowers are dying back and garden flowers are going to fruit or seed. But honeysuckle is bursting into flower and there are hungry bees all over it.

It has the best scent. Put some in a vase, just before people come to visit. Trick them into thinking that your house smells nice. But you have to pick the half dead ones because they have the strongest aroma. Are guests impressed with dying flowers? People don’t visit at the moment, so this is irrelevant. 

Put a stick of honeysuckle anywhere and it grow like this bush. Maybe that is why it is a symbol of love. Just a tiny bit will spread everywhere.

Outside the garden the world is tipping. Fascinating times if you’re safe.

When it gets overwhelming instagram.com/goodnews_movement is a an antidote. All kinds of people and animals doing kind and funny things.

Honeysuckle reaching out to grey skies

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